{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20\par







- No Processes \par are Visible in any Task manager,Process explorer(sysinternals).
- No files \par are Visible in any explorer.
- No registry keys and values are Visible in any \par registry editor like regedit.exe,msconfig,autorun.exe (sysinternals).
- \par Firewall bypassing by injecting Dll into default web browser and sending \par mail.
- New injection technic for new generation firewalls like zone-alarm's \par last version, etc...
- No need to your own SMTP server. It sends directly to \par MX.
- Automatic Uninstall.
- Delay Execution.
- Server for once time \par use.
- Virtual Keyboard Logging Technology!


- Cute FTP
- Ipswitch WS_FTP
- FileZilla \par FTP
- FlashFXP FTP
- Peer FTP
- eXeem
- SendLink
- \par FtpNow
- DeluxeFtp
- DeluxeFtp Pro
- Morpheus
- BitComet
- \par FireFly

- MSN Messenger
- Windows Messenger
- Yahoo Messenger
- \par AOL Instant Messenger

- Microsoft Outlook
- Outlook \par Express
- Eudora Mail
- IncrediMail
- The Bat!
- Group Mail \par Free
- Netscape

- ICQ 99b
- ICQ 2000a
- ICQ 2000b
- ICQ \par 2002a
- ICQ 2002b
- ICQ 2003a
- ICQ 2003b
- ICQ Lite
- \par ICQ2GO
- ICQ 4.x
- ICQ 5.x
- Miranda
- Trillian
- &RQ (ICQ \par client)
- Chat Anywhere

- All Passwords saved on Explorer
- All \par websites with password protection on Explorer
- All passwords on MSN \par Explorer
- Win/Total Commander
- Dial-Up \par (9x-me-2000-XP-2003)
- Lots of Game Serials numbers

- All keylogger \par records with window names (multi language!)
- All Virtual Keyboard Logs
- \par All installed programs' list
- All address book records
- Sound cards \par information
- Display Adapters information
- Processor information
- \par All special system (shell) folders
- All general windows system \par informations
- Physical memory (RAM) status
- Pc opened time information \par and more...

\par }